Never trust the government (including politicians) to pay off/forgive your loans, provide timely unemployment benefits, stop crime, or save you. 

Wake up early and get started. Life is more about management than consumption.

Focused work is worth more than just dedicating time to projects. Multitasking =distracted. 

Don’t make the same mistake twice.

Finding your style and buying nice clothes will completely change your image

Regular routines are a life-hack for success

Be moderate in everything– in substances, habits, and relationships that can hurt you long-term.

Becoming an adult means you don’t get a second chance. Make it count. 

Some items are worth paying more for (Macbooks, dress shoes, clothes make you look attractive, trash bags that don’t rip through and ruin your day, etc) 

Taking regular care of your belongings – your body by lifting heavy weights, cleaning your car, and tending your relationships. 

Everyone looks more attractive when they’re working out and eating right. 

Debt is usually dumb, other than mortgages.

Always live below your financial means– You don’t need to spend lavishly to live well.

There’s no substitute feeling of calm than having a 6-9 month emergency fund and additional cash in the bank.

Adopt a professional courtesy of returning emails within 24 hours.

Being on-time, paying attention, and being kind costs nothing but builds social capital.

Always go the extra mile.

Tasks are always more daunting before you’ve completed them. 

Most people aren’t politically “evil”– everyone just values topics differently. 

Discussions over coffee or beer are more civil than in anonymous comment sections. Talk, and actually listen to each other. 

Always aim high– whether looking for a girlfriend, negotiating salaries, or writing kickass freelance stories. 

Learn personal finance and think of your consumption as a ratio of your salary (Don’t buy a $40,000 brand new car if your annual salary is $52,000). 

Always devote a few hours per day or weekend to reading something new – prioritize production over consumption.

Overcommunication, whether in a relationship or your career, is always better than under communication, especially in remote work. 

Always be planning and training for your next job– learning skills, networking, and reading.