For month two of Praxis, I’m going to start a project to demonstrate my value-added ability to business partners.

I want to demonstrate my ability to write for a business partner, as well as to use numbers to tell stories. I plan to write content that draws in readers, in a field in which I’m making myself an expert.

Write content for Britebee.

I want to access their blog and the content they give their customers. If heavily personalized, I would need to interview someone to get a feel for the tone they want. From the material I’ve read on the website, I would implement a few idea and hooks to interest millennials in insurance. But first, I need to know if I’m writing for a particular company, and the platform on which they plan to post. The content and hooks I would write for twitter would differ from something posted on LinkedIn. I plan to listen to Britebee’s podcast tomorrow and discover the company’s style.

I want to show proficiency in excel by manipulating numbers, figures, into easy-to-read content and percentages.

I may make a guide to learning excel, and show a walkthrough of the steps to build pivot tables, vlookups, and charts. I’ve always used business data in my experience, so I’ll have to scour the web for appropriate figures. Maybe I can merge this with writing about Britebee to highlight insurance statistics. No matter what business partner I work for, I’d bet they use excel heavily.

Make $100 in a month by selling things.

I know I could do this, selling items on eBay, craigslist, and Facebook marketplace. I would start with things in my home, but I would also download a product scanner to go to discount aisles in stores and the library to arbitrage them through Amazon. I would demonstrate resourcefulness, people skills, and psychology.

Write copy for one of my favorite businesses for Facebook.

I would follow ad campaigns for three of my favorite companies and break down the methods they use, and document which works best. This would demonstrate selling through short copy, placement, and design.

Read and review three sales books.

I would pick “To Sell is Human” by Daniel Pink, “The Psychology of Selling” by Brian Tracy and “Pitch Anything” by Oren Klaff. I would post the highlights on my blog. I would then experiment using the main takeaways and post the results as well.